Sep 30, 2008

Eagle Eye

I have watched Eagle Eye today and it is a good thriller movie which is talking about a super computer which tried to dominate the world. Actually, this computer is something homebloc development team going to implement for our next project (joke ) . The most powerful things of this computer is every devices are connected. It could see and analysis and control everything in this world through every devices such as mobile, hidden camera. I believe this is not only happened in science fiction and will be happened in the coming future very soon.

Since homebloc team planned to build such super computer :) , we are going to implement something similar now as a flexibility study or testing. What we will do is to ask every homebloc buddies (it means you) to help us to plot out what you see, what you find under homebloc, then homebloc could based on what you plotted to build an virtual Eagle Eye to monitor what happened surrounding you.

The future is in your hand and you will the one who drive this evolution. :D

1 comment:

wanszezit said...

We continuously miss the development goal in last 2 weeks. I hope we can make it this week. Let's add oil!