I have watched Eagle Eye today and it is a good thriller movie which is talking about a super computer which tried to dominate the world. Actually, this computer is something homebloc development team going to implement for our next project (joke ) . The most powerful things of this computer is every devices are connected. It could see and analysis and control everything in this world through every devices such as mobile, hidden camera. I believe this is not only happened in science fiction and will be happened in the coming future very soon.
Since homebloc team planned to build such super computer :) , we are going to implement something similar now as a flexibility study or testing. What we will do is to ask every homebloc buddies (it means you) to help us to plot out what you see, what you find under homebloc, then homebloc could based on what you plotted to build an virtual Eagle Eye to monitor what happened surrounding you.
The future is in your hand and you will the one who drive this evolution. :D
Sep 30, 2008
Sep 26, 2008

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往後的日子,Homebloc團隊的工作重心,將稍為轉到Quality和Layout的方向去,畢竟那才是確保user experience的重點。 希望以上的功能和修正大家會喜歡!
Sep 24, 2008
今天又八號風球了。每次的八號風球,都會引起一些不便。 其實大家又可以用Homebloc幫幫手,發揮一下街坊的互助精神。
Sep 21, 2008
但事實上,有時太過虛擬的身份,總會給人一種不實在的感覺。如此,互聯網的言論也不能作真。 其實互聯網除了現在這樣的模式外,也可以加多少少比較真實的東西,例如地區。這樣一來,資訊也變得實在。而大家也知道大家不單是互聯綱的朋友,也是真正的街坊,大家的交流也變得更體貼生活的需要。
科技發展開始時,很多時候也比較抽象,正如電腦一開始面向大眾的時候,很多程式也是遊戲.但現在也已經有很多實際用途的程式,如文書處理。再說回互聯網,現在WEB 2.0的網站,已經開始同生活融合了.如facebook的社交網站,Amazon的買賣網站。
正正因為這進化,Homebloc 的出現其實是希望和生活掛鉤,幫大家解決一些生活實際的需要.
但事實上,有時太過虛擬的身份,總會給人一種不實在的感覺。如此,互聯網的言論也不能作真。 其實互聯網除了現在這樣的模式外,也可以加多少少比較真實的東西,例如地區。這樣一來,資訊也變得實在。而大家也知道大家不單是互聯綱的朋友,也是真正的街坊,大家的交流也變得更體貼生活的需要。
科技發展開始時,很多時候也比較抽象,正如電腦一開始面向大眾的時候,很多程式也是遊戲.但現在也已經有很多實際用途的程式,如文書處理。再說回互聯網,現在WEB 2.0的網站,已經開始同生活融合了.如facebook的社交網站,Amazon的買賣網站。
正正因為這進化,Homebloc 的出現其實是希望和生活掛鉤,幫大家解決一些生活實際的需要.
Sep 20, 2008
First Evaluation
不經不覺,Homebloc已離開了Safe Harbor,進入咗BETA既階段,並且有user在測試在使用!呵呵,Homebloc正式告別漫長的黑暗時期!
由於大量使用ajax和javascript的緣固,Homebloc的結構基本上比較複,就Workflow而言,角色至少分為(不等如人數):UI Design、Frontend Logic、Backend Logic,因此Decoupling是Homebloc未來提昇開發效率很重要一環。
另外,Homebloc已有一大堆開發(development)、修正(debug)、改善(enhancement)的工作清單(wish list),不可能全部都做,要秤輕重、分先後,可是,決定輕重的標準是什麼呢?這個決定又該多久做次呢?初步,Homebloc認為,User常用的急需的為重,反之為輕,比方說,「My Post」功能應該比「Thumb up」為重之類... ...
由於大量使用ajax和javascript的緣固,Homebloc的結構基本上比較複,就Workflow而言,角色至少分為(不等如人數):UI Design、Frontend Logic、Backend Logic,因此Decoupling是Homebloc未來提昇開發效率很重要一環。
另外,Homebloc已有一大堆開發(development)、修正(debug)、改善(enhancement)的工作清單(wish list),不可能全部都做,要秤輕重、分先後,可是,決定輕重的標準是什麼呢?這個決定又該多久做次呢?初步,Homebloc認為,User常用的急需的為重,反之為輕,比方說,「My Post」功能應該比「Thumb up」為重之類... ...
Sep 18, 2008
Function & Priority
Homebloc is a hyperlocal social network, It aims at delivering geographically relevant information. To build this platform from the ground zero, I think we are indifferent from a normal listed company in functions:
Product Development
- Build new feature
- Ensure user experience at current feature
User Acquisition
- Build user base
Marcom & PR
- Communicate with potential & existing user, at the same time dealing with media & public
Business Development
- Generate cash flow
However, I think priority of the above functions maybe little bit different from a normal company.
Say for example, a listed company usually do marcom & user acquisition in the same campaign. For a social network web app, early users maybe acquired at zero marcom stage.
In a normal company, product development and quality control will be the next major focus. For web app, however they are usually doing at the same time: Ship, Fix, Ship, Fix, Ship, Fix...
Finally, business development start in the very eary stage stick together with user acquisition for normal company. For web app, we usually prioritize monetization behind other major functions.
Product Development
- Build new feature
- Ensure user experience at current feature
User Acquisition
- Build user base
Marcom & PR
- Communicate with potential & existing user, at the same time dealing with media & public
Business Development
- Generate cash flow
However, I think priority of the above functions maybe little bit different from a normal company.
Say for example, a listed company usually do marcom & user acquisition in the same campaign. For a social network web app, early users maybe acquired at zero marcom stage.
In a normal company, product development and quality control will be the next major focus. For web app, however they are usually doing at the same time: Ship, Fix, Ship, Fix, Ship, Fix...
Finally, business development start in the very eary stage stick together with user acquisition for normal company. For web app, we usually prioritize monetization behind other major functions.
Sep 16, 2008
Major Update: 開放用戶註冊
1. 開放用戶註冊
2. 不同類別的icon
3. 可以更改密碼
4. 彈出新視窗
5. 主畫面的地圖資訊及尺寸,會帶到新增畫面去
6. 標籤系統
7. 「更近的」關閉鍵
1. 開放用戶註冊
2. 不同類別的icon
3. 可以更改密碼
4. 彈出新視窗
5. 主畫面的地圖資訊及尺寸,會帶到新增畫面去
6. 標籤系統
7. 「更近的」關閉鍵
Sep 8, 2008
Homebloc ‧ Barcamp
我們開發Homebloc,目的是Geographical Relevant Information Delivered(GRID)、把地區性資訊,傳遞到最有關係的人手上,就像Google將網上資訊傳到大家手上一樣。
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